Sleep is the among the most talked about, and contentious of topics for mums to be, new parents, and even the most experienced of parents. What most of us have in common, is that we are not getting enough, we worry that our children are not getting enough, and lack of sleep can often lead to an unhappy…

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It has been a pretty intense month. More teething, more colds, more milestones. Considering we are currently in a ‘sunny’ patch with respect to the wonder weeks, then I can only assume that my bad habits, hectic lifestyle, teething pains, and the frustration of trying to crawl, is to blame for our current state of sleep…

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This week’s question comes from Lauren who asks:  “I have a 9 month old (8 months corrected) who still needs to be held/rocked or fed to sleep. Any ideas or tips on how to gently transition him to self settling? ” Additional links: Pantley’s Gentle Removal Plan Instructions (for feed to sleep):

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This week’s question is from Sam, who asks: “Is it normal for an 8 week old to sleep only short naps throughout the day? Around 30-1 hour?” For further info, please refer to my following articles:

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Also known as the holy grail of all things children’s sleep; “self soothing” or “self settling” is often confused with sleep training methodologies such as cry it out, controlled crying, responsive settling – or at worst, neglect. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Teaching a child to self settle, in it’s simplest form, translates to teaching…

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For young babies, symptoms of developmental leaps, teething, and illness (and their affect on sleep) can be frustratingly similar, blurring the boundaries of which point each one begin, and where they end. Often confusion sets for us as parents, and how we *should* respond to them at these times. This sums up my experience of 5 months rather…

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Just when many of us finally feel we are getting some predictability with sleeping patterns…. BANG! Along comes the Four Month Sleep Regression! In Wonder Weeks terms, this also equates to Mental Leap 4: Events (which starts between 14.5-19.5 weeks). If you are going through this, you may find some comfort in knowing that this developmental leap is Universal. Frustration,…

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Finally…Spring has sprung! It’s been a loooong, cold Winter, so I am incredibly grateful to have had some sunshine over the past week to make me feel human again. We took Jett on his first beach trip, where he sunned himself in the glorious weather, and felt his tiny feet in the sand for the very first time. After ten…

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Parenthood is a constant string of first experiences; for our children also. This week, Jett caught his first cold. Poor little guy sounds like a pot bellied pig when he is feeding, and we can now add snoring like a freight train to his night-time repertoire (among the dulcet tones of  farting, squirming, and grunting). He refuses…

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